Squad In Touch Leagues
& Competitions
Manage your school tournaments, house leagues and competitions, sports days and festivals. Keep students active and improve parental engagement.
Squad In Touch
Add house, team, or individual competitions to your school schedule
League tables and leaderboards are generated automatically
Separate leagues for particular sports and aggregated house leagues
Emails, SMS and instant mobile notifications
Dedicated league websites
Communicate news and updates to the participants
FREE mobile app for staff, students and parents
Squad In Touch
Squad In Touch
Bringing virtual competitions to life. Add some fun and competition to your students' daily routine.
Squad In Touch
Sport events management at your fingertips. Keep everyone up to date, get students engaged and motivated. Secure and safe.
Whole school
Squad In Touch helps you communicate with your community easily, efficiently and secure
Clubs and extracurricular
Manage your extracurricular program easily and efficiently. Encourage participation and communicate changes by the touch of a button.
Squad In Touch
Squad In Touch
Manage tournaments and competitions at a hub, regional, or national level. Enhance your association online presence, promote your activities to a wider audience and improve your selection work.